Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things I have learnt this last little while

So I haven't blogged in awhile but I thought I'd just do a little blog about things I've learnt in the last little while.

 Use a mirror when applying hair dye, patchy hair isn’t pretty
 Keep all your group certificates and other tax related gear together. Otherwise it is very painful to find when you go to do your tax.
 Invest in a large wardrobe. Opening the door to have clothes fall on you is no fun. I have not even tried to find things yet.
 Begin assignments in advance – trying to whip up 2000 words analysing research quickly is not easy.
 Bother to take care of yourself. Being sick just before exams suck.
 Do not become caffeine addicted or else waking up in the morning will become way too difficult.
 Do not flirt with a customer when your dad is standing at the door of your work. Sure, the guy may be cute but your dad picking on you on the car ride home and filling in the family is not enjoyable.
 Sit next to people that are quiet in lectures or print off the lecture slides otherwise, you will struggle during class.
 If you start comparing every scenario you get involved in to that of something in a film people maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay begin to worry. (the same goes for if you find yourself saying things like ‘ooo it had a really good rape scene'... you should also be concerned)
 Pictochat in lectures is always a good idea.
 Having a sibling that can be tech support is also a good idea.
 Being a gen-Yer which is more or less tech illiterate is no fun.
 Going out every weekend prooooooobably is a bad idea. Having said this it is rather enjoyable and warrants approval.
 Apparently putting on depressing music at parties is socially unacceptable. (slightly more acceptable if you can get a friend to dance with you)
 Calling international appears just as expensive as leaving a voicemail.
 Idea for wasting phone credit/post paid cap: play a song into the phone. The worse song the better. Never gonna give you up or Lovefool are appropriate or perhaps something by Coolio may float your boat. Though if they are actually a friend a good song is always nice.
 When attaching sequins to shoes use the right kind of glue (PVA – bad idea).
 One can never have too many bags or shoes... until they start taking up most of the shoe cupboard and have to resort to stashing some in your work locker.
 Snowglobes are amazing.
 So are poptarts and crème brulee tea
 & The perks of being a wallflower
 & BIFF
 & university life
 & The Garage
 & criminology
 It appears it is socially acceptable to slap strangers arses though I do not condone this behaviour.
 Lots of vodka and a 9am start is a bad idea
 Sitting between drunk friends in a lecture is funny though be prepared to listen to the podcast and read through the slides.
 People do not like it if you have more than one favourite.
 People will judge you by your celebrity free pass.
 What happened to all my female friends? Apparently I have more male ones?
 I will always have at least one band on my ipod that will offend someone.
 Transfer applications appear easier than you'd think.
 Job applications for tertiary institutions are daunting.
 Turning 18 hasn't had all that much of an impact though its nice to be an adult and have a say - especially as I am a tax payer now.
 Get organised early.
 Have an open mind.
 Second-hand books are better than new ones.
 Study using the right side of the brain.

until next time
much love xoxo