Sunday, November 8, 2009

Well its almost been a month again and I thought it was time I updated you my dear blog about new bits and pieces and while I could so much has happened, new people, new pathways, major and minor events and one step closer to the end of the first year of my tertiary education. So instead of going into detail on all these little things I thought I'd send some lucksmiths love your way. This beautiful little Melbourne indie band is kinda great and this song is just the start synchronized sinking pulled a little at my heart strings I hope you heart it as much as I did.

You don't need to ask me twice
I'm not averse to giving advice
On a bar stool basis
Four o'clock sounds fine to me
I'll meet you at the library
There's privacy in public places
Oh, but, reader, heal thyself
Put the book back on the shelf
Something's obviously wrong
Your face is all day long
It was lovely when you laughed
Come on – please get it off your chest
It's a commonplace but I'd suggest
A problem shared is a problem halved
Kick a stone across the road
Explain or you'll explode

Until next time,
much love xoxo

1 comment:

  1. YAY LUCKSMITHS LOVE! I miss your entries. And you for that matter, I haven't talked to you much in aaaages. ):
